19 June 2021 | Confidence, Customer Service, Personal Development, Reception
Do you put things off when you know you must put your needs first?
Have you ever started a project but lost the momentum mid-way?
Do you have the courage to say NO to people?
Most often in life, we struggle to say NO. A simple no would mean that we are practising ‘self-preservation’ and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It is very often the case at work. We think that, by supporting everyone, we are doing a good thing. What happens is our work suffers, especially on reception, and we are left playing catch up for days on end.
I was once the world’s greatest procrastinator often dreaming up ways to put things off because it was raining or because the post has not arrived or because I have not had any breakfast. I know I hold myself accountable and ensure that things are listed, checked and ticked off.
Are you in a job that is making you unhappy? Do you work with people who affect your mood? Well, now is the time to PUT YOURSELF FIRST and stop procrastinating over something you know you should do. Life gets in the way and this is the same for all of us. Is there a passion you want to explore? Perhaps you work in finance and want to work as a dog groomer or maybe you work in hotels and want to be the receptionist or maybe you are blissfully happy where you are right now.
Happiness is a state of mind but procrastination will eat away unless YOU DECIDE TO DECIDE….So what will you decide to do today?
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