On reception, first impressions are everything! What we deliver in terms of professionalism, confidence, security and information can

On reception, first impressions are everything! What we deliver in terms of professionalism, confidence, security and information can
When I worked as a recruitment consultant, I would frequently view CVs that had very little to do with the job being advertised. Therefore, I used to take a more holistic approach towards the candidate. I would engage them
It is so wonderful to see how many new students have signed up for our online course. Thank you!
People very rarely ask twice, but if we really care about someone’s mental health, it’s important that we do. I was an atypical receptionist as I would engage with my clients showing that I also cared. Some were clients
…awaiting arrival to a deserving destination?
The definition of Self-belief is the confidence in your own abilities or judgement.
As reception and customer service trainers, we have seen, time and again, people struggle to fall in love with their own voice. We love hearing the different tones, styles, textures and accents that we have had the pleasure to meet and teach
Do you have the confidence to light up a room?
We cover confidence in depth on our professional receptionist course at the LRA. The ability to radiate 1000 watts can often be the difference between you and the competition. When it comes to standing out on your CV