Most of you will be familiar with the expression “Computer says no!” This begs the question, is your C.V. A.I.-Ready?

Most of you will be familiar with the expression “Computer says no!” This begs the question, is your C.V. A.I.-Ready?
On reception, first impressions are everything! What we deliver in terms of professionalism, confidence, security and information can
Well, what can we say about 2021?
Years ago when I worked in recruitment, a client called most upset at a receptionist that was placed by our agency. They were not impressed by their lack of finesse, confidence and their ability to handle pressure situations.
When I worked as a recruitment consultant, I would frequently view CVs that had very little to do with the job being advertised. Therefore, I used to take a more holistic approach towards the candidate. I would engage them
It is so wonderful to see how many new students have signed up for our online course. Thank you!
People very rarely ask twice, but if we really care about someone’s mental health, it’s important that we do. I was an atypical receptionist as I would engage with my clients showing that I also cared. Some were clients
Time and time again candidates are sometimes surprised that their CV was constantly rejected for reception positions. A simple skim through the pages would always reveal why. Unfortunately, a recruiter does not have the
…awaiting arrival to a deserving destination?
The definition of Self-belief is the confidence in your own abilities or judgement.